
Harmon with family

 Harmon with the family

Harmon in the family is assured by understanding four basic proposal. First we must understand the relationships that exist between one self and the another self, between two selves or people. Secondly the self has feelings in the relationship between the two people. Thirdly these feelings in the self are definite and can be fulfilling these feleings that mutual happiness in a relationship in a relationship can be guaranteed.

Taking the first proposal, it is important to understand that relationships exist between selves and not between the body. The body is just the means to express or receive the relationship with another self. The self alone understanding and has feelings. For instance, a person feels trust towards another person and this understanding is through self and not the body.

There is no way in which the body can fel this feelings.
Feelings are the domain of the self. There are feelings in every relationship and they occur naturally. We can not create or destroy these feelings. We may try to hide or suppress them, but we cannot change their basic nature. And all this goes on within the self and within the body.

It is also important to recognize that feelings are are define. This clarity helps the self to have a mutually successful relationship with another self. These definite values are love, affection, trust, respect etc. Lastly we must work at recognizing these feeling and identify with them. Base on this understanding, when we work and behave according to those feelings there is mutual fulfillment for both the selves involved in the relationship. And constant evaluation of our feelings as well as the felling of another self is also an important way of ensuring that there is no gap in the relationship and there is mutual fulfillment.

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