
Difference between body activities and self

Difference between activities of body and self terms

Activities  of the body include breathing , heart beating , digestion, recognition and fulfillment . whenever two material entities interact with each other , recognizing and fullfilling becomes a natural part of that interaction. For instance when you eat something , your body absorbs it and uses it as energy. So the body, recognizes its relation with the food and ‘fulfils’ it. Thus , we can conclude that all material entities recognize and fulfill their relation to each other .

When it comes to the self or life , there is an addition to two more activities to recognize and fulfilling, which are ‘assuming’ and ‘knowing’ . these four activities work together in the self because the self is a sentient and conscious entity. To understand assuming , let’s take the example of a needle being pricked on your body . if it is sharp it will pierce the body , if it is blunt, it will not pierce the body. However, when we bring the self into this equtions , the self assume that it is a doctor who is holding the syringe and the medicine  is for the betteement of the self and body and so it is important to go ahead . but if the self assumes that the person holding the syringe will hurt the self and body. He will fight against going ahead . in other words, the body’s recognition of the needle is definite , but the self  recognition of the needle is definite , but the self’s recognition depends on the ‘assumption’. similarly,, when it is assumed that the person is a doctor , you allow the procedure to go ahead and thus fulfill it, but if it is assumed that the person the action . thus ‘assuming’ becomes an integral deciding factor in our recognition and fulfilling activities for the self whereas in the body , recognition and fulfilling activities are definite and have no use for assumption .

Simply put , for self: knowing also has a role to play in the reconition and fulfilling activities of the self. Knowing or knowledge is something that is a result of having the right understanding – the understanding of harmony at all levels of our living . this is also know as janana. Usually, our faculty of knowing is inactive because we never validate our beliefs , and ideas ourselves . all our assumption are only beliefs , and consequently our recognizing and fulfilling also keeps changing. But, when we have the right understanding , or when we know   , assuming becomes  a part of our knowing . so we can conclude that when assuming is based on knowledge which is correct, then recognition and fulfillment will also be correct.  

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