
Body Material entity and 'i' is conscious entity

Body is a material entity and  ‘I’ is conscious entity

Human being is the co-existance of self (i) and the body . self(i) and body existing together and are related . there is a flow of information from self to the body.

All the needs of self can be called as happiness while the needs of the body are physical faciliteies . the needs of self and qualitative , where as the needs of the body are quantitative.
. needs or demands of body :--
The needs of the body are materialastic in nature which can be perceived facilities which are not continuous . we require them for only limited period of time.
For example—when we eat and , and we fell satisfied , we stop eating and do not eat again till we are hungry. Thus needs for physical facilies, for body are temporary in nature and are limited. .needs or demand for self(i):--
the needs of self(i) is to attain happiness and prosiperity. Feelings like respect, truth and recognition give happiness. The needs or demands of the self can be filled  only right understanding  and right feelings. The needs of the self are non- materialistic.
The sense of seeking appreciation after doing a good job can be called as a need of self (i).

anubhav singh
.Desire :--
we always desire for many things in our life continuously to make our self happy. But we must be careful regarding the desire and see whether the desire is related to body and the self (i).
Your desires are according to the need of body and self  , you will find the following –
. about 10%  desire are of body.
.about  90% needs are of self (I).
. abot 10% efforts are for right understanding and true relationship.
. about 90% efforts are for only physical facilities fulfillment taste  physical facility.
. category :--
1.    Pre –conditioning—notation of someone changing ( problems like—untouchability, casteism female etc.)
2.    Sensation—sex , smell , sleep , touch ect.
3.    Natural acceptance – prespect , selfee esteen , etc .
.about 5% desires are based on natural acceptance.
.about 60% desire are based are on pre—conditionings.
.about 30% desire are based on sensation.

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