
HTML and CSS language

Html and css language

.div tag :-
.it is use for container of other HTML element ,it has no required attribute but style and class are comman.
For example—
<div style="background-color:green;color:white;padding:30px">
delhi is the capital of india,it is a most popular country in world</p>
delhi is the capital of india,it is a most popular country in world

.table :-
In HTML table is denoted by <table> tag.
.row table is defined as <tr> tag.
.a headr table Is defiend as <th> tag.
.a table data/cell is definde as <td> tag.
For example—
<table style="width:30%">
    <th>phone no.</th>

Name       adress          phone no.
ram              delhi              12345
shivam       mumbai           54321
sonu           punjab             67890

Images is important for in our  project for , degine the web pages for attrective .
. in html, image are defined as <img>  tag.
. the src sttribution specifec the url (adress),
of the image  .
.if we insert any image in our project then we give the proper adress of image in HTML.

For example— <html>
 <img src=" any image you can select and give his location"/>

any pic whos you can select

. if you want insert any image in our projecton by  internet , then you going on net and copy the adress of image and past inside.
<img src=”paste             ”/>

For example—

< html>

<img src=" any pic you can select and get proper address "/>




any pic whow can select

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